Questions, Answers, and Archive

Submit questions to Dr. Math by filling out a Web form. Answers are sent back by e-mail, and we then gather the best questions and answers into a searchable archive organized by grade level (elementary, middle school, high school) and topic (exponents, infinity, polynomials, etc.). Use the Dr. Math searcher to find what you want (try keywords like fibonacci, fractal, or proof), and investigating the Dr. Math FAQ (topics include prime numbers, pi, the golden ratio, Pascal's triangle).

dr math

Learn To Code

Codecademy is an online interactive platform that offers free coding classes in 11 different programming languages including Python, Java, PHP, JavaScript (jQuery, AngularJS), Ruby, SQL, and Sass, as well as markup languages HTML and CSS.

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Business Ethics 101

Your business degree can be applied to virtually any industry and can also be used to help you start your own business. Many students start their professional training with an undergraduate business or business administration degree and proceed to graduate school or an MBA (Master's of Business Administration)


Aliens, Robots, Mushrooms! Oh My!

If you love playing games, then you may be perfect for the game development industry. Did you know that video game developers make $76,000 to $112,000 per year doing what they love? Head over to Udemy and register for this course.

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